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Stadsnomade is a non-profit organisation active in Maastricht and neighbouring
municipalities. We offer support, opportunities and advocacy to young people between the
ages of 5 and 25 in the areas of skateboarding, street sports and urban culture. Our
practices are bottom-up, meaning we emphasise on both the support and participation of the
local community. Together with our partners, we contribute to the sustainable development of
young individuals, their community and the city.

Wat doet Stadsnomade?


Our method is underpinned by three pillars:

Positieve gezondheid

Participation in sports and culture promotes the well-being and resilience of young people, while they experience fun and challenges. Our vision is therefore that all young people should have access to sport & culture.

Positive health

Participation in sports and culture promotes the well-being and resilience of youth, while they experience fun and challenges. Our vision is therefore that all youth should have access to sport & culture.

Participation in sports and culture promotes the well-being and resilience of young people, while they experience fun and challenges. Our vision is therefore that all young people should have access to sport & culture.


We believe that sustainable changes only come about in collaboration with the people who matter. By participating, thinking along and co-deciding, young people develop their skills, competences and sense of ownership.

Participation in sports and culture promotes the well-being and resilience of young people, while they experience fun and challenges. Our vision is therefore that all young people should have access to sport & culture.

Social cohesion

We facilitate space for interaction and places to meet. When people know each other, interact well and help each other, they experience more connection. And people who experience more connection in their community are happier.

The Stadsnomade method is based on the active elements from the following models and theories:

†  Positive Health (Powered Hubert)

† The Icelandic Prevention Model 

† Empowerment Theory (Zimmerman)

† Self-Determination Theory (Deci & Ryan)

† Positive Youth Development (the 5 C's)

We believe that if young people develop more ownership and responsibility, they can grow to great heights


Mark Schuurman, 3X3 Unites




Participation in sports and culture promotes the well-being and resilience of young people, while they experience fun and challenges. Our vision is therefore that all young people should have access to sport & culture.


Through this outreach program we offer young people with a distance to sports & culture the opportunity to participate and to have fun.

Participation in sports and culture promotes the well-being and resilience of young people, while they experience fun and challenges. Our vision is therefore that all young people should have access to sport & culture.

Skate School

Stadsnomade's skate school program teaches participants how to develop and improve their skills during one-hour group sessions. 

Participation in sports and culture promotes the well-being and resilience of young people, while they experience fun and challenges. Our vision is therefore that all young people should have access to sport & culture.

Skate Café

Created in 2017 from a clear need of the local skate community for its own space and more diversity in the cultural offer of our city.

Skills Diy

Participation in sports and culture promotes the well-being and resilience of young people, while they experience fun and challenges. Our vision is therefore that all young people should have access to sport & culture.

Cultuur @Cruijffcourts

the new Stadsnomade project in which young people work on their own skills and are helped by the local community.

Participation in sports and culture promotes the well-being and resilience of young people, while they experience fun and challenges. Our vision is therefore that all young people should have access to sport & culture.

Urban Oasis

Urban Oasis will activate tens to hundreds of visitors every day to move. New high-quality sports and recreational facilities are being created here.

Participation in sports and culture promotes the well-being and resilience of young people, while they experience fun and challenges. Our vision is therefore that all young people should have access to sport & culture.


The Vrijhaven is a cultural free space and offers youth the opportunity to come together and discover their own cultural identity.






Origin of the pop-up Skate Café

(Fort Willemweg 41).

May 2018

Foundation Stadsnomade &

start Karavaan.

April 2019

Start Stadsnomade Skate School  

in the Landbouwbelang.

May 2019

Second Karavaan season (10 neighbourhoods in Maastricht).

June 2019

Restart Skate Café (Landbouwbelang)  

and Go Skateboarding Day (Bonnefanten museum).

Dec 2019

Skateschool moves to the Decorfabriek (SAM Ateliers) for the winter.

March 2020

Season 2 of the Skate School (50 permanent students now).

May 2021

Third Karavaan season (both inside and outside Maastricht).

August 2021

Start Vrijhaven project: cultural free zone for young people (cooperation agreement of four years with the Municipality of Maastricht).

Nov 2021

Stichting Stadsnomade signs the Maastricht Sport Agreement.

Ons verhaal


Mick Wiertz

Mick Wiertz

 Founder and business leader

Paul Brunninkhuis

Paul Brunninkhuis

Project leader caravan and skate school

Paola Möllering

Jos Reulings

Project Manager Vrijhaven

Mitchel Porteners

Ben Gillissen

Social Media/Communication

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